Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Kinky Sex Positions

By Mary Fetsch

So what exactly constitutes a label in the category of kinky sex positions? Are they really different sex positions? Well that really depends on the person engaging in the position.

A shy, inhibited person may feel that doggy style is pretty kinky where as a more uninhibited outgoing person would find that pretty tame and needs something like being outside hanging upside down on the swing set to satisfy their kink.

Definition of Kinky Sex Positions
First of all let's establish the definition of kinky first. Kinky does not mean demeaning, degrading, sinful, shameful or any of those negative things you may have been conditioned to think.

Being kinky is about tapping into your wild, animalistic side. Kinky sex positions are those that make you feel, alive, wild, uninhibited, free, and naughty.

Kinky in the dictionary is described as "unconventional sexual preferences or behavior." But what is considered "conventional" is relative to many factors.

For one person "what is conventional" could mean anything outside the standard missionary position. While another persons "conventional" may include daily use of a love swing. It's really dependent upon how adventurous you've been, how many sexual experiences you've had, how you've been socialized and to what extent you've internalized that socialization.

What's Really Kinky
With that being said, that means we can't really make a list of positions that would be considered kinky sex positions by everyone visiting this page. Some people may scoff at my suggestions, while others may blush and giggle.

However, I will share with you that in my opinion the three best positions for connecting us with the raw and carnal side are the cowgirl, doggy style, and reverse cowgirl. Alternating or swiveling back and forth between cowgirl and reverse cowgirl adds a little more flavor.

Now if you're one of those adventurous people who's already tried every different sex position in the Kama Sutra, you won't be finding anything new here. There's only so many positions possible. However, there are still ways to explore and expand your kink.

One of the best ways to find new, exciting and kinky sex positions is with a piece of sex furniture like the liberator wedge or the love swing. The sky is the limit on kink with these.

Another trick for coming up with kinky sex positions is altering where you do it. You can take any traditional position and turn it into the exceptional by simply changing the location where you make love.

Making love outside is a great way to make any position wilder and more exciting. The standard missionary every night in your bed can become pretty boring, but put your naked bodies on the sand in the moonlight and it becomes a whole new adventure. Doggy style on the living room floor can grow pretty old, but bend her over the hood of the car or the porch railing and you'll experience a variety of exhilarating sensations and heightened pleasure.

Try it on the porch, on the swing set outside, on a picnic table, in the closet, in the bathtub, on the office desk, in the car or on the hood of the car.

Add something new to the position such as grabbing her hair or smacking her buttocks if she's not offended or turned off by these kinds of things and you have a couple different sex positions.

Keep Perspective
Don't get caught up in trying to impress one another or feel pressured to keep with the Porn stars by trying every position under the sun. You don't need to be a sexual athlete or acrobat to experience the most pleasure.

Be sure to take your time with your lover if you haven't ventured into anything beyond the traditional missionary position. They may be turned off or frightened if you spring something shocking on them unexpectedly. Always make it a joint venture and keep communication lines open at all times.

Keep in mind that the purpose of lovemaking is for you and your partner to experience the greatest amount of pleasure possible and connect more deeply. Kinky sex positions that are too difficult to achieve or uncomfortable won't lead to satisfying lovemaking adventures.

See my good friend Cynthia Perkins, M.Ed website at

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